Thursday, April 24, 2014

Days 6-7 – First W30 Weekend

My first weekend on Whole30 just happened to be the Easter Long weekend.

Amazingly enough, no one planned a dinner so maybe I lucked out in that sense. Much like the potluck this past week, Easter should be more about family than the food anyway. And there was family time, but this post is about the weekend before that.

Saturday was low key. Sean and I didn't really have plans and stayed in. Which is probably good because this was a really tired day. I did just want to nap like the timeline said. 

 We woke up late and finished off the last of the leftover breakfast meatloaf with eggs and Yashbrowns, my yammy take on hashbrowns. I may not be able to take credit for inventing them, but I am coining this term here and now. (I just added it to my MS Word Dictionary)

I chopped up the last of the steak we had and stir-fried it with coconut oil, red onion, green and red peppers, and leftover yashbrowns for lunch. Sean gobbled his up! Must have been good!

For dinner, I marinated some chicken and pan fried it. I wanted to grill it but my barbeque didn't seem to want to heat up past the half way mark, so I gave up on the bbq and pan fried it. The marinade had balsamic vinegar which came off strong in the pan. It wasn't amazing but it wasn't bad. I served up with some baked yam fries. If it's not obvious, I. Love. Yams.

I caught up on some of my shows that Sean doesn't care for and went to bed after falling asleep on the couch partway through Once Upon a Time.


Scramblettes is a word I wish I could coin also. I mean I came up with it on my own, but it turns out a lot of other people have too. 

I am not a fan of traditional omelettes. I find the folder omelette to be too dense and heavy, so I sauté my veggies, add eggs, and then work everything around in the pan to a big fluffy veggie scramble. (When not doing a Whole30, I totally add cheese too)

Sean was still at Scott's so I made myself tuna with some of my homemade mayo for lunch and popped some grape tomatoes. It was lazy but I struggle cooking for one and I was tired. It was satisfying in that it made my lunchtime hunger go away. And I enjoy that I am now listening to my body to tell me when to eat. But it was unsatisfying in the flavour department. I have a much better tuna or salmon recipe in my head that is mayo-less, which I will be sure to share with you somewhere along my journey.

Scott and Sean finally came home around 2:00 pm. I felt this was late because we had planned to watch the Walking Dead. And we missed most of the first season because we all made a pact to watch it together since Scott doesn't get AMC and we do. Due to scheduling conflicts, we couldn't find a mutual time and eventually it just got away from us. So needless to say we had a lot to watch. 

Part way thought the marathon, we all got hungry so we ordered sushi. The only thing I could have was assorted sashimi, but it was one more item then I could have had from anywhere else. It was good quality but I wished I could have soy sauce in the moment.

We continued with the show, but could not get up to speed as Scott had to leave. Oh well, we will do it again next weekend! Scott is bringing a friend so I have plans to make something yummy for dinner. My best meals really do come out when I am entertaining.

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