Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 10 - One Third of the Way

Today I am One third of the way through Whole30!

Another weekday, got up, got ready, grabbed the egg muffins I made last night and went to work. I re-heated the egg cups when I got there, poured a black coffee, and filled my 1L water bottle. I sat down and started up my computer while I bit into and egg muffin and I quickly learned an important lesson: Side of Pork… Is. Not. Bacon.

Most humans love bacon. The reason we love bacon is for its salty, smoky flavour. That salty, smoky flavour is derived by how it is cured and unfortunately this makes it near impossible to find commercially sold bacon that is W30 appropriate due to the nitrates bacon contains from the curing process. I thought I had found some. Side pork looks just like the thick cut bacon we often get outside of W30.

This was the day that I felt bloated. I was consciously aware of my muffin top all day and after every meal, I felt more and more like a stuffed sausage. Luckily I read the timeline and was half expecting this might happen so I tried not to focus on it too much and carry on with my day.

I brought a salad for lunch not thinking that I had lunch plans out with a friend. This friend is currently studying nutrition and is very passionate about health so it was nice to be able to talk about Whole30 and not get funny looks. I decided to suggest the salad bar at Urban Fare so that I could build my own lunch and leave the one I made in the work fridge for tomorrow. I had mainly romaine with a few mixed greens, beets, walnuts, boiled egg, red onion, grape tomatoes, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar. Simple yet refreshing and tasty! We chatted about food and health stuff for the hour and then I headed back to work.

OK! Now let's all be honest! How many of you have noticed that since starting the Whole30, you have to change your garbage more often? All that produce scrap goes in there and starts to smell within a day or two. I can’t wait until all major cities start having organic waste pickup. In the meantime, in an apartment, it has nowhere to go but in the trash, which now goes out often before it’s full because, PEEEE-YYYOOUU!

We had leftovers for dinner, same as yesterday.

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