Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 12 - So Much Chicken

It was so hard to get out of bed this morning.

I attribute this to having the early shift at work on Fridays more than to the Whole30 though. One person has to be at the office by 6:30 am every day to accommodate our Eastern Clients, so we rotate the shift among my team and on Fridays, that person is me. I chose Friday because being off at 3:00 pm is nice. But being off at 3:00 pm on a Friday is fantastic!

Since it was so hard to wake up, I scrambled to get ready and get out of the house and I did not pack food today. I figured it would be a good opportunity to see how easy it is to eat out in a pinch on Whole30.

I wouldn't call my breakfast successful or technically compliant. Not in the sense that I will have to start over. The food that I did eat wasn't against the rules, but I did not eat enough food, or any protein for that matter. In the book "It Starts with Food," they describe how this teaches your body to store fat, when done regularly, as it does not know when the next nourishment might come.

I got to work just on time and did not have time to go out for food - not that there is much open at 6:30 am either. I had an apple on my desk when I arrived at work. I brought it a day or two ago and never ended up eating it. I thought it would at least tie me over until a relief person arrived and I could step out.

This is the portion of food you get for $8 - $10!
Work got crazy and before I knew it, it was 10:30! Since I take my lunch around 11:00 or 12:00 on my early day, decided to just power through and I grabbed a Cashew Larabar out of my drawer. I keep them in there for just this type of scenario. I have mentioned these before, but if you don’t know, Larabars are fine if all the ingredients are W30 compliant AND you do not eat them to satisfy your sweet tooth. That is a habit we are working to break with W30.

I went out at 11:00 am in search of a Whole30 lunch. I ended up at the usual Urban Fare hot bar as it was pouring rain and that is the closest place to work that I trust. I want to clarify that I only have roast chicken if I make it myself, or if it is from somewhere like urban Fare or Whole Foods, were I can be sure it’s good quality and that I can ask how it’s prepared. I would not trust just any place to make a roast chicken that is compliant.

Lunch was chosen without much forethought because when I got home I remembered we still have Duey and Louie, 2 of the 3 previously bought chickens, in the fridge! I quickly pull out the bag to check the date. Sure enough the best before date is tomorrow! I season them both differently and throw them in the roasting pan together. I figured I could prong the life of the bird if I cooked it to reincarnate it into leftovers, versus spoiling raw meat. We had the one that I seasoned with paprika, garlic powder, S&P and olive oil tonight. I made a big homemade salad also. This dinner made me crave summer sun and fun for some reason. It was a gooder.

Sean and I went for a short walk to check out a carnival hat suddenly appeared in the mall parking lot across the street. We walked over, walked around the carnival, and walked home. It looked like it could have been fun but neither of us brought cash for ride tickets and the only other attraction was mini-doughnuts and cotton candy. Off home we went. Plus I have an early, busy Saturday planned…

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