Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 11 - Good Morning World

This morning I woke up before my alarm feeling well rested and refreshed.

I was in a good mood all day, despite being crazy busy at work. I found I had great ability to focus on my tasks and was not easily distracted. I am looking forward to spending the rest of my life feeling like this!

This morning I claimed the last of the eggs cups. To be clear, they were not horrible. They just weren’t bacon-y like I wanted. I reheated them at work and added some Frank’s hot sauce to give them a kick.

Also, just to be clear, I am not selfish! I only claimed the egg muffins over Sean because, they were the only W30 compliant breakfast food in the house and in case you didn’t know or did not find me on Facebook before here, Sean is not still doing the Whole30 as dedicatedly as I am. He basically will eat what I make so he is still eating healthy, but he has not read the book and isn’t always the most attentive when I am sharing what I have learned. He fell prey to an unopened container of cottage cheese that he couldn’t bear see go to waste. It would have expired well before our W30 was done. Sean is supportive and encouraging of my Whole30 though and that is really all I need from him through this.

For lunch I had my homemade Simple Salad that I was supposed to have yesterday. This is one of my favourite salads, and with only a few ingredients, it packs a lot of flavour. It just romaine, grape tomatoes, halved, previously cooked chicken, avocado, shallots, olive oil, S&P. The shallots really give it something.  

For dinner we had LAMB BURGERS!! I WILL be making these again. I do not know what possessed me to buy the ground lamb in the first place. I wanted to try something new I guess. Then Sean suggested that we also get fresh Mint. It was a good call because they turned out fantastic. I subbed almond flour in place of bread crumbs and then grilled them. We had them on a bed of lettuce with grainymustard, tomato and avocado. Yam fries seemed an appropriate side dish.

I really hope to have more days like today.

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