I woke up this morning feeling great! I only hit the snooze 2 times (vs. my usual 4-5), got up early, showered, and pulled out the egg muffins and salads that I made last night.
My large muffin tin |
The muffins I made last night were bigger and had sautéed mushrooms, red onions, red peppers, grape tomatoes, Green onions, Salt, and Pepper. I think I will make the next batch without red peppers. I am finding them to be overpowering. Again I had a banana and black coffee.
I am not sure if it was just a rough day at work for a lot of people, the blood moon eclipse, or if "Kill All the Things" started early for me, but I was feeling irritable on and off as the day went on. Little things bothered me and I mainly kept to myself and buried myself in work. Maybe it was "just one of those days"
Mental Note: try to see if these mood swings coincide with eating. I am wondering if I am more irritable between meals. I have noticed I have been hungry between meals and I think it is because I am still learning what a portion size should be, but keeping it light so far.
After researching this a bit more, I came across this awesome article. The part about "Not Eating Enough" and how the baggage of old dieting habits following us around, really resonated with me. I am very much down with this part though: "Eat as much Whole 30 compliant food as you need to eat to be truly satiated. Listen to your body and it will tell you what to do. If you're hungry, eat up!" Drinking lots of water helps too!
Let's discuss water for a second. I don't think I have to lecture anyone about water intake, but I would feel bad if I didn't mention it. Water is the most important thing you can put in your body! Adding chemically based flavour enhancers to it is just wrong. I love water but I didn't always. When I first went to a naturopath, desperate to lose weight, she recorded my body composition and I was more dehydrated than an 80 year old woman, who is dehydrated. I didn't drink a lot of water. The water my body did get was from foods, coffee, juices, milk, and the occasional glass of H2O. Through the hCG protocol I did with my naturopath, I learned how important it is to drink water, not just when losing weight, but all the time. There are still some days that I do not get enough but one thing that has really helped lately is having a big bottle near me at all times. I bought a 1 litre bottle one day and I just keep filling it. I fill it when I get to work in the morning, and I fill it again at lunch, for a minimum of 2 litres per day. As long as it is in arms reach and full, I keep drinking it.
The mug is for scale |
Needless to say, I was happy when lunch rolled around. Lunch was Salad made of mixed greens, grape tomatoes, avocado, red peppers, and hard boiled eggs. I didn't make a protein last night, but luckily café in my office building sells plain boiled eggs. I sent Sean to work with Canned Tuna to add on his salad. And of course I read the label to make sure it was compliant. My salad dressing was made of the juice from Tomato Basil Salad mentioned on Day 1. I simply added a small amount of olive oil and shook it up. I like to keep my dressing off my salad until I am ready to eat it in order to keep the lettuce from going limp.
Are you surprised to learn I used condiments? Here is a link to the Pantry List on the Whole30 site. If you buy anything that comes in a box or a jar, make sure to read the labels. Every ingredient should be pronounceable and Whole30 approved. Frank's Red hot sauce has a short list of ingredients, but this only goes for the original recipe. I was sad to learn that many of our grainy mustards (don't ask why we have more than one - it's a long story...) have nitrates in them, but luckily I did happen to have one that only has natural ingredients.
Another successful day down, and I can't wait for tomorrow!
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