Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 9 - A Mellow Tuesday

I never ended up making anything special for breakfast last night. 

Time got away from me and after all the shopping and putting things away and tidying, I was tired and it was late, so I just boiled some eggs to grab in the morning. I woke up late and grabbed two eggs, some grape tomatoes, and an apple to eat for breakfast. It turns out that when you’re eating Whole30, or even Paleo in general, you can eat way more eggs that say if you were having hash browns and/or toast. I had the thought today to keep the next carton I buy and write “COOKED” on it. Then keep it stocked with boiled eggs because, let’s face it, they are convenient and great for breakfast and in salads. It would just be good to have some on hand. 

I found myself hungry around 10:00 am so I grabbed a Larabar out of my drawer. Let me tell you, the Apple Cinnamon one is delicious. It could suffice for desert and I have had to learn to decipher when I want one and when I need one (craving vs. hunger). 

Work got busy and I didn’t leave my desk for lunch. This is not a great habit. On Whole30 you are encouraged to not be working or watching TV while eating. Eating should be about eating only. Much like sleeping is for resting, not watching TV. These are functions that are vital to your body’s healthy and development and should be treated as sacred times in my opinion. Sadly sometimes I am just too busy and work thought my lunch, by choice. It’s a work in progress. As is convincing Sean to agree to have a TV free zone in our bedroom. 

On top of eating lunch at my desk while I worked away, I had a premade salad from Superstore. Everything was compliant and it was kind of wilted and not as fresh as I remembered them to be. Maybe the batch was near the end of its life. Or maybe, I have been eating so many fresher foods, that in contrast, Superstore’s premade salads are not actually that good. The lettuce was wilting and I forgot the chicken breast I’d pre-made to top it off. Lunch was unsuccessful today. 

This is not a negative thing. Based on the feedback of my readers (keep it coming!), people enjoy reading these (thank you!) and I feel it’s important to highlight the lessons learned (not failures) as well as successes and good ideas. Don’t be hard on yourself if you find you don’t like something or a meal doesn’t work as planned. Learn from it and do better next time. This goes for life and Whole30 alike. 

 When I got home, I seasoned a whole chicken and popped it in the oven. For two people, this is two meals. It works out great that Sean likes white meat and I like dark. We usually have half the chicken for dinner one night, then leftovers for lunch or dinner the next day. I almost bought one chicken for $14 then found 3 in a pack for $32. We opted to purchase 3 pack and I called them Huey, Duey, and Louie. So we had Huey with sides of yams and broccoli and it was yummy!

Tonight I made egg muffins for some future breakfasts so that I don't have to have boiled eggs every day.

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