Monday, April 14, 2014

A Rough Start, Still Feeling Positive

Okay guys, I am not off to a great start if I am being completely honest.

I missed my start date which was supposed to be this past Saturday. I had made a conscious decision to start on Sunday instead. At first I figured if I was going to start on Sunday, I had a friend in town from Calgary so I could go out for one last night out, at least for a while. We had pub-style appetizers, and wine, and beer and I got sick from the combination of overeating, poor food choices, and mixing alcohol.

Sunday came around and I was not prepared as I would have liked. I had not cleaned out my cupboards or done any shopping. I kicked myself for not following through on Saturday like I had planned. Picking a start date and sticking to it is a big part of making this commitment to yourself and I began to think, “If I can’t even stick to a start date, how can I stick to a full thirty days?”

I woke up in my best friend’s bed instead of my own. This meant not being able to have a Whole30 breakfast. She gave me a banana as I headed out, and I grabbed a Sausage McGriddle on my way through downtown. When I got home, I felt horrible – physically and mentally. I crawled in bed thought about how I had failed you all, Sean who is doing this with me also, and most importantly, myself, and then I fell asleep for the afternoon.

Sean woke me up around 4:00 pm, pointing out if continued sleeping, I would not sleep well tonight and being a work night, that would be a bad decision - and also to ask what was for dinner. I’d had a poor breakfast, no lunch and what was supposed to be Day One of my Whole30 was shot. I looked at Sean in a daze and said “we need to go shopping.” I did not want to put this off any longer. Moping about this start-up flub is not going to make it any better. I have to think positively moving forward and at least I haven’t messed up halfway through or near the end. I can still start this, even if it’s not the date I set.

I now have pre-made breakfasts and lunches for tomorrow. I have enough protein and vegetable sources for dinner tomorrow. And I will stop by the market to get more healthy food on my way home after work, for the rest of the week. I know I can do this!

After spending the day feeling more terrible than I have in a very long time, I am more excited than ever to cleanse my body from the inside out. 

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