Thursday, May 1, 2014

Day 17 – This is “weighing” on my mind

So… today was uneventful…

Work, errands, typical day in day out stuff. I had a Banana and 2 boiled eggs for breakfast, a Salad from urban fare with salmon on top, which I could not finish, Sausages and left over brussels for dinner. Sean and I always get excited when we are able to find sausages that don’t have any additives. These ones were simply meat, spices, and salt. And they were so juicy and flavourful. 

I just wish we could find bacon that is compliant. We have come across bacon without nitrates, but it was still cured with sugar. 

I do want to mention one thing that came up this week. If you read the rules about Whole30 on their website, you should know that one slip up and you have to start over, from Day 1. But as far as I know that is only if you ingest (even a lick) of something that is not Whole30 approved. I bring this up because I have a friend who thought she had to start over because she weighed herself. I won’t say who to protect their identity but she nearly threw in the towel over weighing herself so I feel it’s important to bring up and ensure no one else make the same mistakes (plural because one is the act of weighing itself, the other is thinking you have to start back at day one because you did weigh in)

The rules do say to hide your scale, but only because it can wreck your W30 on a mental level. This is important too, but there is no need to start over, just put your scale away moving forward and don’t make a habit out of it. From the website: “This is about so much more than just weight loss, and to focus on your body composition means you’ll miss out on the most dramatic and lifelong benefits this plan has to offer. So, no weighing yourself, analyzing body fat or taking comparative measurements during your Whole30.”

And if you still find you can’t stop, you can find some support here. 

Lastly, if you need some tough love, here is 5 reasons to break up with your scale

In the spirit of Whole30-style tough love: If you are in this just to lose weight, you are not in it for the right reasons. You will lose weight, but you will also reap so many more, and more important benefits, so Just. Don’t. Do. It.  

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